Investors in People

The Investors in People standard recognises companies’ commitment to people management. The world-class framework and performance model provides a pathway to future progress and a journey for continuous improvement.


Leadership is essential for creating purpose, providing motivation and delivering all-round outstanding results. The Investors in People accreditation looks at three aspects of leadership:

Leading and inspiring people

Leaders make the organisation’s objectives clear and inspire and motivate people to meet these objectives. Leaders are trusted by everyone within the organisation.

Living the organisation’s values

Leaders and people act in line with the organisation’s values at all times, and they have the support and courage to challenge inconsistent behaviours.

Empowering and involving people

People feel empowered and trusted to make and act on their own decisions, in line with the company values and objectives.

Investors in People



Constant change is now often the norm for many organisations. Flatter business structures allow for faster decision making, agility and customer focus – leading to reduced overheads, better service for customers and greater overall success.

Managing performance

Performance is measured and feedback provided.

Recognising and rewarding high performance

People are motivated to perform at their best through clear recognition and reward for high performance.

Structuring work

Roles are designed to meet organisational objectives and create interesting work for people. Roles are structured to deliver the organisation’s ambition, while collaborative working is encouraged.


Organisations are constantly looking for opportunities to improve and understand that every small improvement contributes to the ability to continually outperform.

Building capability

People are managed and developed to help them realise their full potential. This also ensures organisations have the right people in the right roles at the right time.

Delivering continuous improvement

Within the organisation there is a focus on continuous improvement, whereby people are encouraged to use internal and external sources to suggest innovative new ideas and approaches.

Sovereign Group – Investors in People

Having carried out the assessment process in accordance with the guidelines provided for Investors in People Specialists by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, the Specialist was satisfied beyond any doubt that The Sovereign Group Limited had met the requirements of the Investors in People Standard. On behalf of Investors in People North of England the Specialist would like to congratulate The Sovereign Group Limited on its achievement.

Sovereign Group Ltd, Vale Street, Nelson Lancashire, BB9 0TA
01282 618171